The Gospel doesn’t just change our eternal reality, but it changes the way we show up in our jobs, schools, homes, and communities. As the Holy Spirit moves in hearts across the globe, transformation is happening among unreached places. Indonesia is no exception.
Indonesia is a nation rich in diversity, with over 17,000 islands and hundreds of distinct ethnic groups and languages. Yet, we know that the gospel is not limited to particular cultures or languages.
Revelation 7:9-10 says,
The gospel has the ability to impact every segment of society. Let’s take a look at a few of these areas as we pray for His Kingdom to come to Indonesia.
Marriage is a beautiful covenant designed to reflect God’s love. However, in a world marred by sin, many families struggle with the pain of broken relationships. The gospel, however, offers a path to restoration and reconciliation.
As the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” This call to service and selflessness is a transformative, totally counter-cultural message. This model of sacrificial love is what God desires marriages to look like.
Kathy Keller explains this beautifully in an interview with The Gospel Coalition:
“All of God’s designs are beautiful—sometimes intricate, difficult to master, and affected by sin, but glorious nonetheless. In marriages that embrace God’s design, you both get to ‘play the Jesus role.’ In fact, husbands are told to imitate Jesus as the servant-leader. Meaning they will go to any length, even death, to serve and purify his bride (Ephesians 5). Wives can look to Jesus as he was worshiped in Philippians 2—“submissive to the role of ezer in full knowledge of her equality.”
This picture started to be displayed in one unreached village in Indonesia, where a husband and wife became followers of Jesus. One day, the sister of the believing wife came to her and said, “Your husband is different now. I want my husband to treat me the way your husband treats you.” God’s design for marriage is that it would point to His love and commitment to us.
In this instance, this newly believing couple’s marriage was doing just that. It became the entry point for others to hear more about Jesus. As husbands and wives experience the transformative power of the gospel, their marriages become attractive examples of restoration to others in the community.
In a society where power dynamics can sometimes marginalize women, the gospel offers a radical message of equality and empowerment. The Bible’s teachings on the equal value of men and women, as exemplified in Galatians 3:28, speak to the dignity of women.
This truth has the power to challenge and transform the way Indonesian women are perceived and valued within their communities.
In the New Testament, women are not merely in the background. Jesus talks with them. He weeps with them. When He rises from the dead, who does He first reveal Himself to? Women. Not only that, but after Jesus’ resurrection, women played a massive role in the early church. They fund ministry efforts, gather churches in their homes, and are entrusted to deliver letters from Paul.
Lena, a young woman who grew up Muslim, said it was the very way Jesus interacted with and treated women that drew her to Himself. It was completely different from what she read in her religion’s holy book. Eventually, she gave her life to Jesus, this man who gave dignity to women.
Indonesia’s rich diversity is both a blessing and a challenge, as the nation has grappled with a history of ethnic and religious tensions. However, the gospel is not silent on this matter. It calls believers to embrace their unity in Christ and to be agents of reconciliation.
As the Apostle Paul exhorts,
This message of oneness in Christ transcends the boundaries that often separate people. It empowers Indonesian Christians to build bridges of understanding and cooperation across ethnic and religious lines.
Through the work of local churches and Christian organizations, Indonesians are finding creative ways to celebrate their diversity while embracing their shared identity in Christ. Whether it’s hosting interfaith dialogues, organizing community service projects, or engaging in cross-cultural exchange programs. These initiatives are fostering a spirit of mutual understanding and respect, paving the way for lasting peace and reconciliation.
As Indonesian believers live out the gospel, they are becoming powerful witnesses to their neighbors. What better testimony is there than a life transformed by the gospel? From restoring broken marriages and empowering women to fostering unity across ethnic backgrounds, the good news of Jesus is bringing hope, healing, and redemption to the people of Indonesia.
Please join us in continuing to pray for the transformation of hearts, communities, and, ultimately, the nation of Indonesia.