Reading With Iwan


Pray for Indonesia

Drew has lived in Indonesia for a few years and has developed friendships with locals through various avenues. One friend, Iwan, became a close friend as their hangouts included places like the gym or eating at cafes. After a few months, Drew asked Iwan if he was interested in reading the Bible together. Iwan agreed, and they began reading through the Old Testament’s significant stories, starting with creation and moving to the Old Testament prophets.

Although the stories differ, many of these prophets are mentioned in the Quran. After each story, Drew would ask Iwan what he thought was interesting about the story, and they would discuss it together before praying and going home. 

Pray for Indonesia

After reading through many of the prophets’ stories, Drew again asked Iwan what he thought was interesting about them. Iwan responded that it seems like most stories point to Isa (the name for Jesus in the Quran). Praise God that there is evidence of Jesus in the Old Testament that everyone can see!

How to pray for Iwan and other Indonesians:

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would open Iwan’s eyes to the truth of who Jesus is
  • Pray that other Indonesians would begin to understand that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies
  • Pray for more opportunities for believers to read Scripture together with non-believers