The Great Commission: Spreading The Message of Matthew 28:16-20


Matthew 28:16-20 captures Jesus’ final encounter with his disciples before his ascension to heaven, marking a pivotal moment in the life of the church.  This passage, known as The Great Commission, proclaims the universal mandate for believers to spread the message of the Gospel to all nations. 

“Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Therefore, the essence of The Great Commission lies in the command to go forth and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded. This charge not only underscores the importance of evangelism but also highlights the transformative power of discipleship in our community.

The Great Commission stands as a timeless call for us to actively engage in sharing the love and teachings of Christ with the world, embodying the essence of Christian faith through action and proclamation. It also reveals Jesus’ promise of his eternal presence with his followers throughout all ages.

The final chapter of Matthew begins with the disciples going to Galilee as instructed by the risen Jesus, showcasing their obedience to him despite their imperfections and doubts (v. 16). Jesus asserts his authority over heaven and earth, emphasizing his divine kingship and the universal scope of his command to make disciples of all nations (v. 18-19a).  He then introduces the foundational role of baptism in Christian discipleship, symbolizing initiation into the community of believers (v. 19b)

Furthermore, the directive to teach new disciples to obey all that Jesus commanded emphasizes the importance of fidelity to God’s word to promote ongoing spiritual growth and instruction within the Christian faith community (v. 20).  Christ had asked them previously,

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ but do not do what I tell you?” (Luke 6:46-49). 

Real discipleship cannot happen without obedience to the Lord’s commands. The Son of God’s charge to his disciples here encompasses the essence of faithful Christianity; evangelism, baptism, discipleship, and obedience to his teachings are the central tenets of Christian faith and mission.

The command to go and make disciples of all nations in verse 19 reflects the universal mission entrusted to all believers by Jesus Christ. This order reveals the inclusive nature of the Gospel, calling upon Christians to actively engage with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures to share the message of salvation.

By reaching out to all nations and peoples, Christians fulfill the mandate to spread the love and teachings of Christ beyond geographical boundaries. The Lord’s command reveals the importance of evangelism and discipleship in fostering a global community of faith united in its devotion to Him.

In verse 20 Jesus’ promise to be with his followers serves as a source of comfort and assurance for believers. This steadfast pledge guarantees the enduring presence and guidance of Christ in the lives of his disciples, offering solace in times of trial and trouble.

By assuring his eternal companionship, Jesus instills confidence in us to carry out The Great Commission with faith and boldness. This promise not only signifies the intimate relationship between Christ and his followers but also serves as a reminder of his support and empowerment.

Christians today are actively spreading the message of Christ through various means and initiatives around the globe. Mission trips to different parts of the world allow believers to engage in evangelism and disciple-making among diverse communities. Church ministries focused on outreach, community service, and education embody the spirit of making disciples and teaching obedience to Christ’s teachings.

Online platforms, social media, and digital evangelism tools enable Christians to reach a global audience with the message of the gospel. Additionally, personal relationships, mentorship programs, and small group gatherings provide opportunities for us to come alongside others on their journey to walk in obedience to Christ.

To actively engage in fulfilling The Great Commission, individuals and churches can adopt several practical tips:

  • Firstly, prioritize prayer as the foundation of all efforts, seeking God’s guidance, wisdom, and empowerment in sharing the gospel.
  • Secondly, cultivate a heart for missions. This can be done by supporting and participating in local outreach programs, mission trips, and evangelistic events.
  • Thirdly, seek to be equipped with knowledge of the Bible and effective evangelism strategies so you’re ready to share the gospel.
  • Fourthly, foster a culture of discipleship within the church by investing in mentorship relationships, small group studies, and leadership development to nurture spiritual growth and obedience to Jesus’ teachings.

By embracing these practical tips, individuals and churches can actively participate in fulfilling The Great Commission and advancing the Kingdom of God in their communities and beyond.

We encourage you to embrace your vital role in spreading the transformative message of Jesus in your own life and community. As followers of Christ, each individual has a unique opportunity to participate in the Great Commission by sharing the love of Jesus, making disciples, and teaching obedience to his teachings. 

By actively engaging in evangelism, discipleship, and community outreach, you can impact lives, sow seeds of faith, and contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom on earth. 

Remember that every interaction, every act of kindness, and every conversation can be a powerful opportunity to fulfill the call of The Great Commission. Let us all wholeheartedly embrace this mandate with passion, purpose, and perseverance, knowing that as we seek to walk in obedience to Christ, God can move in powerful ways.