15 Year Old House Helper Believes In Jesus


Indonesian house helper believes in Jesus

Arnie was 15 years old when she started working for Elisa. After a few weeks of working as Elisa’s house helper, Arnie started sharing stories about her family with Elisa.

Arnie and Elisa quickly bonded. Arnie began calling Elisa “mom” because she saw Elisa as a strong motherly figure in her life. Elisa felt responsible to tell Arnie about Christ at that moment.
Elisa had never learned how to share the Gospel before. She was not sure how to start sharing about Christ but was praying for opportunities to share with Arnie. One day, as she sang a few Indonesian worship songs, Arnie began asking questions about their meaning. Elisa knew that this was her opportunity to share.

After sharing the Gospel to Arnie through personal testimonies and Bible stories, Arnie decided to accept Christ! She said she felt peace and felt like she belonged to a new family. Every night before bed, Arnie would knock on Elisa’s bedroom door and ask to pray together. She really enjoyed the prayer time! Arnie also wrote a prayer for Elisa’s hospitalized husband during his illness. It was amazing to see how freely she wrote and how her heart had been changed by the Lord!

Unfortunately, a few months later, Arnie was forced by her family to go back to her village to get married. It was an arranged marriage which is very common in villages. Since she returned to her village, Elisa and her family have not been able to contact her because she doesn’t have a phone.

Pray for Arnie to stand firm in the faith and for God to provide other believers in her village to disciple her. Pray for boldness for Arnie to share her faith with her husband, family and neighbors and that she would be like the Samaritan woman (John 4) who leads her village to faith in Christ!